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Visual Explorer™: 10,000 images

June 18, 2009

10,000 images

Here is a re-post from Andrew Webster on the ExperiencePoint blog, about an experiment in the power of images to stick in memory.

Visuals for Learning

There are countless advantages to leveraging visuals to enhance learning. I’ll focus on recall. Check out this discussion about recall percentages with/without visuals. There’s reference here to Lionel Standing’s 10,000 pictures study. The long and short is this:

  • Individuals are shown 10,000 pics in five days (yes, that does sound insane)

  • After seeing all 10k pics, subjects are shown some of these again, but all mixed up with other pics they haven’t seen

  • Subjects are able to recognize which were ones they were already shown with 83% (!) accuracy

  • The more vivid the image, the more likely a subject was to recall it

  • Standing extrapolates that if you see 1M vivid images, then you would remember 98% of them in the near term, and 73% in the long term

Here's the abstract for Lionel Standing's journal article "Learning 10,000 Pictures" published in 1973 in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

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Anonymous Andrew Webster said...

Thanks for the repost! We try and draw on recall by including imagery in simulations related to the situation and learning.

I'm curious to know if/how recall is leveraged as an attribute of visuals in VE. As I understand it, VE is a tool used to stimulate and support collaborative dialogue. Does recall enable the dialogue to endure?


11:29 AM  
Blogger S said...

Yes Andrew, recall of the images--including the fact that the physical and digital images endure as artifacts--enables the dialogue to endure. The images recycle in various ways. As short-term props they enable the conversation to focus and deepen as the image is held up and passed around. Often we build on the images during a day or several days, returning to them in subsequent conversations. This can be spontaneous or planned. Longer-term, one can create slideshows and videos combinging the text and images (see the application in thre right column tagged "visual verbal slideshows." It's not unusual to see the VE images in people's offices, where they become memory prompts and dialogue starters.

4:53 PM  

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